New Zealand Trout Fishing- Opening Week 2013
/Some images from the first week of the new season here in the NZ back-country ,the weather was pretty good all up ,some cooler temps and fresh snow on the hills in the first few days ,but plenty of good fish to be found !
Good browns like this fella were out and about feeding ,this guy was sipping down mayflies in a shallow run in the tail of a pool ,Peter put the first cast bang on the money and without hesitation he casually drifted over and sipped down the mayfly imitation and we were on !
A solid hook up in coloured water ,streamers were the go this particular day especially swung around into the deeper holes, over the drop offs and along the bank edges all producing good fish.
The water temps were still cool from snow-melt, and many rivers carried higher flows than normal making crossing some stretches of river to get to an opposite bank or river confluence tough if not impossible at times.
Hook up in a fast run,Keiths first fish of the new season on a dry.
streamer eater.
Looking forward to the next few months with the larger terrestrials such as Blowflies cicadas and Brown and Green beetles making an appearance, and the much anticipated Cicada hatches ,nothing gets the adrenalin flowing more for fishermen than casting big dries to fish, and watching them rise through the water column to smash your fly !