Heli Fishing in South Westland of NZ
/The weather yesterday was perfect for Bryan's Heli-fishing day, no wind and not a cloud in the sky. We arranged to meet in the Haast around 8.30 and grab a quick coffee and go over the plan for the days fishing.
A stunning ride in by chopper to the river ...
We drove to the hanger and began to load our gear into the Helicopter side pods,a quick safety run down by the pilot as to the entering and exiting of the chopper once it was operational, and then we were off !
A large Brown trout that was lying along side a submerged log at the side of a deep pool, Bryan cast his cicada pattern well ahead and once spied by the trout drifting down the feed lane was quickly engulfed. A silent muttering of "God Save The Queen" was heard, then a solid lift of the rod resulted in a good connection to a ripper Brownie, who quickly took off down stream and under the a huge boulder in the below photo.
Bryan doing battle in a tough spot, the fish finally popped out after a 20 min tug of war, we finally managed to extract him from under the boulder and scoop him into the net.
5.5lb of West Coast brown trout!
A super nice day on the coast with no wind and bugger all sand-flies !