Playing At The Vise

My son Louie recently sat down at the vise to play with some new materials he was sent by Jeff Wood who owns Fishscene Ltd here in New Zealand. A big shout out to Jeff who has very generously sent Louie a variety of Fulling Mill hooks and tying materials over the past year of which Louie has tied up lots of different patterns to fish with…many thanks mate ! Most recently Jeff sent him some Semperfli Synthetic Rabbit Zonker Strips in the colour called Silver Fox

Semperfli's synthetic rabbit adds a new dimension to many traditional flies and will not water-log like traditional rabbit zonker strips making it much easier to cast. The below pattern is one that Louie has recently tied for when we get out of the ‘ lock down’ period and we can get back out into the rivers !

louie fly tying.jpg

Perfect for swinging on the double-hander or fishing the drop offs and river mouths on Lake Wanaka !

Perfect for swinging on the double-hander or fishing the drop offs and river mouths on Lake Wanaka !